Category: Education, art and culture

Celebrating an unprecedented partnership, the Light Community of Figueira, and the Parque Tibetano School, both located in Carmo da Cachoeira - MG, and the Union Scout Group, from Três Corações - MG, held a camp with 40 children aged 9 to 14, on July 1st and 2nd, 2023. The main theme was: “For the love of the Kingdoms of Nature”, the integration of human beings with the environment.
The camp took place in Terras da Irmandade, one of the areas of the Light-Community. The entire program was organized in partnership. The scouts and teachers developed fun activities for children to work as a team and also brought reflections on human relationships with other kingdoms of nature and the importance of understanding this integration.
The Scouting educational movement emerged in England in 1907, with the soldier Robert Baden-Powell and aims to train responsible, supportive citizens and leaders at the service of others.

The Parque Tibetano School, on the other hand, offers a living education, which promotes the culture of peace, focusing on the integral formation of the being, for this it has its own methodology, with a synthesis of different pedagogical lines.
The third part of this partnership is the Light Community of Figueira, affiliated to Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, which in addition to being a spiritual center, is a school of life and formation, where the practice of selfless love and service to humanity and the environment is encouraged.
The camp reaffirms a partnership that emerged in 2019, when the approach began and a Spirituality Seminar was designed, in which the Community would host the meeting of Scouts of the state of Minas Gerais, combining knowledge and practices; however, the plans did not come to fruition at that time due to the pandemic.

Robinson Gomes Cezarini is the president director of the Union Scout Group, which has existed since 1954. He supports the educational bases of the School and the principles of the Light Community. They work harmoniously with the values that Scouts bring, especially in relation to integration with nature and the objective of preparing young people for adult life through fraternity.
In this integration of purposes, Evandro Leite, scout leader and teacher at the School, highlighted that “our children learned from the scouts and the scouts learned from our children”. The majority of the scouts live in the city and were able to exchange experiences with participants from the School and Light Community, most of whom live in rural areas.
It was in this educational dialogue that the camp took place, where young people and children were able to learn a lot through play and integration with the different kingdoms of nature. The partnership continues and the next meetings are already being planned.