Category: Sustainable Agriculture

On the 20th and 21st of October, the International Meeting of Traditional, Organic and Biodynamic Seeds and Agriculture for Life will take place at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). The Meeting will address the current situation of traditional seeds, also known as creole, open-pollinated, and not genetically modified. The idea is to encourage commitment to preserving the seed and its genetic heritage as a creative legacy of human action, in partnership with nature, for humanity and for the planet.
The event will discuss topics related to the care and preservation of traditional seeds, food security and sustainable agricultural practices, stimulating ecological, environmental and cooperative awareness for all life, as well as the training of farmers and others interested in agricultural practices and studies that are concerned with preserving biodiversity.
The Meeting is the result of the collaboration and partnership of several entities that have demonstrated interest in the study and dissemination of knowledge about traditional seeds: Federal University of Lavras, Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of Lavras-MG, Central of Associations of Organic Producers of the South of Minas Gerais, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais, Association of Biodynamic Agriculture of the South, Brazilian Association of Biodynamic Agriculture and Light-Community Figueira, affiliated with the Fraternity – Humanitarian Federation (FFHI).
Practical Guide to Vegetable Seed Production
The book "Practical Guide of Vegetable Seed Production" will be released at the Meeting, by Irdin Editora, written by Vladimir Moreira in co-authorship with the Planting and Seeds Sector of Light-Community Figueira.
The book invites everyone to return to the traditions of sustainable agriculture based on the preservation and multiplication of open pollinated seeds, treating the subject in a practical way and
going deeper in the knowledge about Brazilian seed legislation, seed production planning, planting of seed fields, vernalization, management, harvesting, processing and storage of vegetable seeds, as well as presenting agroecological paths for seed production.
The idea is to rescue the practice of vegetable seed production through technical observations and scientific basis, demonstrating the efficiency of these agricultural practices and breaking paradigms regarding the possible impossibility, in today's world, of carrying out this activity by any farmer, whether small or medium-sized, or even by those who practice subsistence agriculture or cultivate domestic and community gardens.
The Meeting will feature a very diverse program, which will include lectures, videos, workshops for adults and children, a traditional seed exchange fair, an exhibition of organic products, and also musical performances and community meals for those registered.
It will be a precious opportunity for the diffusion and sharing of knowledge and experiences (and also seeds) among all participants, who will come from different countries around the world, such as Portugal, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Italy.
REGISTRATION is free and can be done here.
Check out the full schedule:
DAY 1: Friday, October 20th
8am: Reception of participants and general registration for the simultaneous workshops and participation in the seed fair.
9 am: Opening (convention hall or UFLA gymnasium):
Presentation of the Children's Choir of the Parque Tibetano School - Youth Choir of the Light-Community Figueira;
CENTRAL LECTURE: “Traditional Seeds, Food Security and the Preservation of Biodiversity” – taught by Sebastião Pinheiro;
BOOK RELEASE: “Practical Guide to Vegetable Seed Production”, by Vladimir da Rosa
Moreira and Irdin Editora;
Lecture: “A World Panorama” – given by the Biodynamic Association;
Lecture: “The importance of native seeds in a scenario of climate change” – given by EMBRAPA researcher Irajá Antunes.
From 1pm to 2pm: Community lunch for registered participants, to be held at the University Integration Center (Ciuni).
From 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm: Simultaneous interactive workshops covering the themes of traditional, organic and biodynamic seeds, and sustainable agricultural practices:
Plant Extracts for Control of
Pests - Karin Collier (Live Seeds)
Astronomical Rhythms of Biodynamic Seed Production - Pedro Jovchelevich
Biodynamic Preparations - Nelson Jacomel
Production of Creole Vegetable Seeds - Aopa-Organic Agriculture Association of Paraná
Sustainable Socio-Environmental Technologies of Agroecology - Professor Gilmar Tavares-UFLA
Agroecological Firefighters - Oliver Blanco E. Coopfam
National Agroecological Seed Production Network - Bionatur-
Alcemar Anhaia / Daniel Bosa (Candiota/RS)
Experience of Cooperation, Intercooperation and Commercialization in Settlement Areas - Cooperativa Terra Livre - Carlos Pansera / Clovis Doyle (Nova Santa Rita/RS)
The Importance of Creole Seeds for Indigenous Peoples - Instituto Indigenista / Aldeia Pindomirim (Guarani ethnicity)
Agroforestry Systems and the Preservation of Native Seeds - Isaias Reis- Instituto Nova Era
Interactive Corn Breeding - Altair Machado - EMBRAPA Researcher
Interactive Bean Improvement - Irajá
Antunes-EMBRAPA Researcher
Preservation and Recovery of Native Seeds - Xingú Seed Network
Playful and Educational Seed Workshop for
Children - Raiz do Campo and Light-Community Figueira.
Activities close at 6pm.
DAY 2: Saturday, October 21st
8am: Breakfast.
8:30 am: Presentation by the Lavras Singing Girls Choir - Sons da Cachoeira Project.
9am: Start of lectures (convention hall or UFLA gymnasium):
Lecture: “Construction of the genetic basis for
agroecological systems based on the management of agrobiodiversity” – taught by Altair Machado-EMBRAPA Researcher;
Lecture: “Participatory guarantee system and the importance of native and creole seeds in agroecology” – given by Laura Rossano (president of the Uruguay Agroecology Network);
Video Presentation of Cooperativa Constelación, from Argentina;
Institutional Video from the company Sementes Vivas, from Portugal;
Institutional Video from the Wikifarmer platform, based in Greece;
Lecture: “Germplasm Bank of native genetic resources of agricultural and forestry interest and spontaneous plants related to cultivated species”, given by Fabiano Miceli (University of Udine- Italy) and Aloisia Hirata (IFSULMinas).
From 1pm to 2pm: Community lunch for those enrolled, to be held at the University Integration Center (Ciuni).
From 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm: Fair to exchange creole, native and ancestral seeds, and exhibition of organic products and elaborate products, in the historic area square of UFLA.
6pm: Closing, thanks and recognition.