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Agricultura sustentável
Agricultura sustentável
Agricultura sustentável

Sustainable Agriculture

In harmony and cooperation with nature, the Planting Sector cultivates organic food and medicinal plants that supply the Light- Community Figueira, in addition to carrying out soil recovery and reforestation projects with native vegetation.

One of the objectives of the Community is to achieve self-sustainability in the production of healthy, wholesome, nutritious food produced in harmony with the wisdom of the Earth.

Agricultura sustentável

Regenerative agriculture

In Figueira, we synthesize and apply lessons from regenerative agriculture, which it includes methods of organic, biodynamic and syntropic agriculture, for example, in a permanent search for the improvement of ecological and environmental awareness.

Crops include different types of grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, non-conventional food plants (PANCs), as well as aromatic and medicinal herbs. Following the donation principle, part of the production is distributed to local communities.

To expand knowledge of regenerative agriculture, our Plantation Sector welcomes volunteers and visitors, promotes free courses and organizes events in the area.

Agricultura regenerativa
Agricultura regenerativa
Agricultura regenerativa
Agricultura sustentável


In Figueira, the organic gardens cultivated by residents and employees provide part of the vegetables we consume. This is a way to consciously and cooperatively relate to nature, knowing a little about its laws and cycles. In addition to producing healthy food, working with the earth puts us in touch with principles of healing, vitality and harmony.

In times of economy and the search for self-sustainability, we can all find simple, ecological and creative solutions to cultivate an organic vegetable garden in the space we have available.


Videos about Sustainable agriculture

Watch the launch video

News about sustainable agriculture